Report Aug #2 En 23
تقرير منظمة كردستان لمراقبة حقوق الانسان حول وضع اللتظاهرات في العراق

The specter of administrative corruption arouses citizens' resentment

The Iraqi system suffers from administrative corruption. These files negatively impacted Iraq's social and economic life, necessitating decisive and serious approval from the Iraqi populace to alter Iraq's course. Demonstrations to put pressure on the government to combat rampant corruption have become a necessity, particularly since the corruption file has become one of the most difficult to resolve in Iraq. In this report, we will examine two demonstrations that the monitoring team observed in the second half of August 2023 in the governorates of Babil and Muthanna:

  • Babil Governorate demonstration 08-16-2023

 Wednesday, August 16, 2023, in the morning, hundreds of teachers and teachers affiliated with the new owners gathered in front of Babylon Education. Notably, this demonstration was organized four days ago through social media by the Coordinating Committee for Babylon's new owners. The demonstration included multiple demands, including the addition of a certificate for those confirming the new owners, the expedited correction of job titles, and the expedited completion of procedures for financing the August salaries of the new owners. They gathered in the morning in front of the education system in Babylon, raising Iraqi

It is important for the government to work to address the administrative and financial matters related to the category of teachers and teachers, especially since the beginning of the school year is around the corner, and any defect in the educational system could negatively affect the educational system as a whole.


flags, and there was a law enforcement force armed with electric sticks and shields standing in front of the education system during their gathering. An officer issued a directive and delivered a speech instructing the demonstrators to withdraw and leave the vicinity of the Directorate of Education in Babylon. After this speech, the force moved and appeared to disperse the demonstrators by intimidating them with the sound of the electric baton and advancing towards them step by step, resulting in the demonstrators' withdrawal while the law enforcement forces moved their withdrawal behind them. They removed them from the vicinity of Tarabaa Babel and brought them to the end of Tarbeeh Street, where there were two patrols crossing Tarbeeh Street during the presence of the demonstration. Here, they stopped the demonstrators and the law enforcement forces without instances of excessive force being used, and they remained standing for an hour until the Coordinating Committee announced its statement to withdraw and move in the coming days. The Director of Education must expedite the completion of the procedures, and the protesters withdrew at 11:30 without the presence of media and news agencies.

Those appointed to the new staff in front of Babylon Education at eight o’clock in the morning. Four days ago, the Coordinating Committee of the New Staff in Babylon gathered for a demonstration in front of Babylon Education,

 demanding several demands, which are adding the certificate for those confirmed to the new staff, accelerating the correction of job titles, and accelerating the completion of the procedures for financing the salaries of the new staff for August.

 In addition to raising Iraqi flags, the demonstrators gathered in the early morning carrying signs urging the government to pay attention to the demands of teachers and teachers and not to marginalize them. This was indicated by one of the demonstrators who is one of the teachers with permanent staffing, who stated that the government followed the correct procedure by transferring us to permanent staffing and that the transfer of teachers from contract to permanent staffing must be followed by several administrative and financial procedures, including changing the job title of the teacher or teacher and determining salaries, as with other teachers

It is worth noting that during the demonstration, large numbers of security forces armed with electric sticks and shields were spotted, stationed in front of Babel Education. At the beginning of the demonstration, the demonstration was proceeding peacefully, and the security forces were stationed in their places without contacting the demonstrators. However, an hour after the demonstration, an officer from the security forces went to the demonstrators and ordered them to move away from the borders of the Directorate of

Photo (1)

Show the demonstrating teachers in front of the Directorate of Education of Babylon

Photo (2)

Another aspect of the teachers' demonstrations in front of the Directorate of Education of Babylon

Education. After verbal altercations between the demonstrators and the security forces, the security forces pushed The demonstrators, the demonstrators withdrew and moved away from the vicinity of the Babel Education Directorate. Now, the matter did not stop there, rather the security forces continued to engage in verbal altercations with the demonstrators, forcing them to move away and ending the demonstration. Indeed, after the security forces intimidated the demonstrators with the sound of the electric sticks that were in the possession of the security forces, and the demonstrators advanced towards them with steps. The demonstrators were finally forced to withdraw from the Directorate of Education, and the security forces continued to push the demonstrators away and move behind them to keep them away from the area surrounding the Babylon Education Department.

In the end, the demonstrators settled at the end of Al-Tarbeeh Street, where there were two patrols of the security forces, who blocked the road for the demonstrators, which forced the demonstrators to end the demonstration several hours after its start. Despite the intervention of the security forces to end the demonstration, these forces did not use excessive force against the demonstrators except intimidation and pushing the demonstrators away from the Education Directorate.

During the hours of the demonstration, the Coordinating Committee announced its statement to withdraw and move in the coming days by pressing the Director of Education to expedite the completion of the procedures. The demonstration ended without any injuries at exactly 11 o'clock when the demonstrators withdrew peacefully. Governmentally, no government statement was issued in response to the demands of the demonstrators. Also, in the media, no media channel was monitored during the demonstration.

Muthanna Governorate demonstration 08-16-2023                     

 The characteristics of the protest egan with mobilization on social media to participate in demonstrations to oust the governor, Ahmed Manfi. The mobilization included several files, the most significant of which were direct demonstrations to oust Governor Ahmed Manfi following corruption and land theft allegations against the governor's family. For this reason, there were mass demonstrations demanding that the prime minister dismiss the governor, as well as a speech and gathering of the sheiks

Because it is responsible for managing the local community, one of the most fundamental responsibilities of local government is to provide services to its citizens. Neglecting this obligation may have a negative effect on the way of life in society.

and leaders of the Al-Muthanna clans in the home of the Al-Dhawalim clan, and a gathering of the Bani Hajim clan elders in Al-Muthanna. The city of Samawah. The gathering began in the celebration square, and it consisted of various age groups carrying banners calling for the dismissal of the governor, Ahmed Munfi, as a result of corruption cases and the acquisition of land and suspicious contracts, where the demonstrators headed with a security cover without restricting freedoms of peaceful expression, Corniche Street and the governorate's square, then They went to the governorate's square.



One of the most important files that the protestors came out to demand is the file of corruption in the distribution of land plots to employees, which deprived them of this legal right and seized the plots. Demonstrators, a group of deputies, and the prime minister met to discuss several issues, including corruption files and the decline of services.

One of the demonstrators stated that residents of the Al-Muthanna governorate suffer from numerous administrative problems, including corruption, because this governorate suffers from numerous administrative problems and that this demonstration is a rejection of this widespread corruption in the governorate.

As the Prime Minister paid close attention to the issue of the Al-Muthanna demonstration, there was a great deal of government interest in the issue of the demonstration. According to one of the deputies, the Prime Minister will take the necessary actions regarding the corruption cases in the Al-Muthanna Governorate. The Al-Muthanna Governorate deputies submitted twenty-one corruption files supported by evidence and significant documents, which he referred to an investigative committee formed for this purpose. As for security, large groups of security personnel were stationed in front of the governorate gate to ensure the

Photo (3)

Demonstration of citizens in the province of Muthanna to dismiss the governor

peacefulness of the demonstration, as well as to organize its movement and prevent riots and violence. In addition to social media, several media outlets were present to cover the event. In general, the gathering was peaceful, but there were instances of demonstrators blocking the streets with burning tires and stones; however, the response to humanitarian cases prevented any violent scenes from occurring.


The motivations for the demonstration and the demonstrators' demands


By evaluating the demonstration that took place, it is evident that the following were the most significant causes for the demonstration's inception:


  • Certificate allocations for new proprietors have been increased.
  • Accelerate the process of correcting job titles.
  • Accelerating the completion of procedures for financing the new owners' remuneration.
  • Termination of the governor.
  • Anti-corruption measures.


Remarks on how the security forces handle gatherings:


During the monitoring of the two demonstrations that occurred in Iraq during this period and based on the observations of the monitoring team, it can be concluded that the treatment of the security authorities has worsened compared to the preceding months when signs of the use of violence against demonstrators were observed, efforts were made to end them, and citizens were not permitted to freely express their opinions and assert their rights. This behavior can be viewed as a negative indicator for assessing the performance of security forces in coping with protesters. The use of force against demonstrators can be viewed as a weakness in the handling of the demonstrators' file, which guarantees the right to demonstrate and freedom of expression. While the security forces did not use violence against the demonstrators in Al-Muthanna Governorate, their tendency to use violence against them can be considered declining.


Kurdistan Organization for Human Right Watch


Email: Reports@kohrw.org