Activities :
-Develop a conflict-sensitive community outreach and beneficiary selection plan for each specified location that include clear eligibility and selection criteria, beneficiary’s selection methodology, scoring approach, tools for beneficiaries’ outreach and registration with clear segregation by gender and age group
-Develop, distribute, and collect application, which should be developed per each immediate livelihood intervention (i.e. cash for work) in close consultations with UNDP Livelihoods Team.
-Apply eligibility and selection criteria and a clear evaluation and scoring system to short list the applicants in order to ensure selecting the most vulnerable, poor, and eligible beneficiaries of IDPs, returnees, and community members, with special focus on youth and women
-KOHRW will develop and conduct a 5-day tailored training for all the selected beneficiaries under the immediate livelihoods interventions.
-KOHRW will Roll out the life skills training, jobs orientation and awareness raising session over a 5- day period. During the training period each participant will get an amount of $20USD per each training day as a stipend to cover transportation and food cost, except for the women headed household that will receive the stipend part of the cash grant that will be released through a contractor recruited by UNDP.
-KOHRW will design and implement appropriate instruments(s) (e.g. questionnaires and surveys) to collect the necessary data, such as demographic and socio-economic data about beneficiary, household conditions (income, 5 source of income, coping strategies) among other data points for the baseline assessment and socio-economic profiling, in close consultations with UNDP livelihoods team.
-KOHRW will analyze the data collected and produce a baseline assessment and socio-economic profiling report.